Braces Are More Affordable Than You Think

4 years ago

  Orthodontic devices have been around since the times of ancient Egypt with braces being nearly 3,000 years old. Since…

Three Tips On Choosing An Orthodontist

4 years ago

So you've been told that you need braces. This may be intimidating at first. Braces can be embarrassing, especially when…

Five Ways to Make Braces Cost Less Out of Pocket

4 years ago

Over four million people in the United States currently have braces. Braces can be used to help treat many specific…

Why You Need Retainers After Brace Treatment

4 years ago

Affordable braces can help you straighten your teeth. However, once you have them removed, you are only halfway through. The…

3 Reasons People Get Braces As Teens

4 years ago

For a lot of teens, getting braces is their worst nightmare. This is why a lot of children begin their…

Orthodontic Care: It’s About More Than Just Braces

5 years ago

Up to 4 million residents of the U.S. are wearing braces with 75% of them being younger than 18 years…

Three Things You Might Not Know About Braces

5 years ago

Braces are not the most exciting topic in the world for a lot of people. Many approach braces as a…

Four Factors To Consider When Deciding On Whether Or Not To Give Your Children Orthodontic Care

5 years ago

Orthodontic care is a difficult topic for parents to consider. Children are often referred to orthodontists for the first time…

Braces: They’re Affordable and for More Than Just Aesthetic Issues

5 years ago

Did you know that orthodontists are all trained dentists, but just 5% of dentists are orthodontists? You would visit with…

Why Are Braces Usually Installed During Teen Years?

5 years ago

Braces are a rite of passage for many teens. Braces for teens are just a normal part of life for…