Braces for Adults: Common Problems They Can Treat

Dental problems are common for adults, and orthodontic treatment is a great way to solve them. Braces can be used to correct issues with teeth that have shifted or rotated. Orthodontists will also use braces to align the bite of an individual’s teeth so that they fit together properly.
The first step in correcting dental problems with braces is determining what type of problem needs to be fixed and then deciding on the specific brace design needed for correction. Next, orthodontists must determine patient readiness for treatment and decide if any other more serious dental problems need addressing before starting the orthodontic process. Some of the common dental problems that can be addressed using metal braces include:
Gapped Teeth
Gapped teeth result from large spaces between your front teeth that can lead to problems with chewing and dental health. Fortunately, orthodontic treatment is an option for adults who have gaps in their teeth. Some of the common causes of gapped teeth include:
- Teeth not growing at the same rate
- Some people are born with gaps between their teeth, and as they grow, those spaces get bigger
- Trauma to the mouth can cause tooth loss or damage, which leaves a gap open for food particles or bacteria to enter. This causes cavities and gum disease leading to more problems such as bad breath and tartar build-up on your gums.
If you have gaps between your teeth, then braces can be used to close the gap. It will ensure that all of your teeth are properly aligned and not crowded together or pushed apart from each other.
Crooked Teeth
Also known as malocclusion, crooked teeth can lead to problems chewing and other dental issues. Orthodontics is a great treatment for this problem because it will improve your mouth functions while making you more attractive by straightening out your smile.
Issues Caused by Habitual Thumb Sucking
It is common for children to suck their thumbs as a way of soothing themselves when they’re feeling upset. If this habit continues into adulthood, it may lead to significant problems with the alignment of teeth in both jaws. To correct the problem, one might require braces or even surgery, depending on how severe the situation is.
An Overbite
An overbite is a common dental problem that can be corrected with braces. The teeth on the lower jaw may overlap or protrude, which will cause an individual to have difficulty chewing and speaking.
An Underbite
An underbite occurs when there is not enough space in the upper jaw for all of the teeth to fit comfortably. This causes some of them to end up overlapping while others are pushed back into their sockets. Some individuals might notice they suffer from headaches because of this problem and have difficulties making certain sounds such as “f” and “v”.
A crossbite is when the teeth on one side of an individual’s mouth interfere with those found on the other. It can be difficult to chew or speak when this happens, but it can be corrected using metallic braces.
Open Bite
An open bite occurs when there is too much space in the upper jaw for all of the teeth to fit comfortably. As a result, some might overlap while others are pushed back into their sockets. Individuals may notice they suffer from difficulties chewing or speaking because of this dental problem. Luckily, this dental problem can be treated using braces for adults.
As an adult, you may not think about orthodontics treatment as an option. But orthodontics is a common treatment for adults who need to correct dental problems they have developed over the years. Visit Smiley Face Braces to learn more about affordable braces and orthodontics in general.