Three Tips On Considering Braces For Your Child

In this day and age, braces have become something of an unexpectedly hot topic. This is in part because they’re a part of a debate around how much medical intervention at a young age is too much, and whether or not it’s really worth it to spend money on giving our kids straight teeth. Most people wear braces as kids, which means that it’s up to parents to make the choice of whether or not to take their child to see the orthodontist and take on the cost of braces. It’s expensive enough to raise a child as is. While vaccines and other forms of medical care may be regarded by most parents as strictly necessary and unavoidable, braces fall into a different category. Lots of kids, you may reason, can live without braces. Furthermore, can’t you choose to straighten your teeth as an adult?
All of these quibbles lead to some parents choosing to ignore an orthodontist’s advice, and deny their children braces. However, there is much more to braces than what may initially meet the eye; and your orthodontist may very well be recommending them for reasons that extend far beyond the aesthetic results they yield. With that being said, let’s delve into some of the reasons why you should listen to your child’s orthodontist and pursue braces while they’re young.
1. Braces Are Easier On Children
It’s true that you could leave your child with the decision of whether or not they should wear braces as an adult. Choosing to let your child take on the cost of braces when they grow up, if they decide it’s worth it, does not make you a bad parent. However, your child may wish that you’d gone ahead and given them braces for reasons beyond the financial burden they may be saddled with. While it’s true that many kids receive braces between the ages of 8 and 14 simply because that’s right in the middle of when abnormal bites become noticeable, it’s also easier for children to adjust to brace than adults. Children are still growing, and therefore their mouths can accommodate the changes that come with braces. They can grow up with new bites, and will not face the same level of scrutiny that adults with braces sometimes report, making it both physically and mentally easier.
2. Bite Problems Are Serious
Many associate braces with aesthetic issues. In fact, they are meant to correct bite abnormalities that can cause longstanding complications. Those with overcrowded teeth often report jaw pain, and issues with chewing their food. Furthermore, when teeth are overcrowded they can sometimes damage the gums, which ultimately can lead to infections and bleeding. Furthermore, braces are often used to space out teeth as well, when space is necessary for further oral surgery. An orthodontist does not recommend braces simply because the results will “look” better, and this is often not a concern at all. Rather, braces are used to intervene for health reasons. Ignoring an orthodontist’s recommendations is just like ignoring a recommendation from any other type of doctor: ill-advised.
3. Braces Are More Affordable Than You Think
Before writing off braces due to cost, explore your options with your insurance provider. You may have better coverage than you’d think. For that matter, a lot of orthodontists offer payment plans. This means that you can pay for your child’s braces over time, which makes it much more attainable for many people. You can also look into other means of financing your braces; certain programs are available throughout the country that are meant to specifically help parents fund their children’s orthodontic care. Ask for more information from your orthodontist’s office, and don’t assume that you know all of the information upfront.
Regardless of what you decide regarding your child’s braces, do not take the decision itself lightly. You are ultimately making a choice that will affect your child’s future. If you decide against braces, it’s likely a choice that they themselves will have to revisit as adults. Keep this in mind, and explore all of your options; an informed decision is much more likely to be the right one.